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​Exhibition of dynamic contemporary artists

The National Art Center, Tokyo
​ Venue 2C

躍動14 SNS TOP画像.jpg

Main visual: Temporary

■Application Deadline

Until 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 10, 2024

* The application deadline may be brought forward if the number of works reaches 300 .

■ Customer attraction advertising : Late October

Plans to start advertising to attract more art fans and visitors to the Tokyo metropolitan area

* Call for submissions for the International Open Exhibition

​Second prize: 200,000 yen in total

Would you like to exhibit your work at the National Art Center, Tokyo ?

As an all- genre exhibition, it has attracted attention from art professionals and art fans alike, and has produced many artists who are active as professionals and artists who have made their mark overseas. It is an all-genre exhibition with many artists who are active not only in Japan but also overseas. Artists who have participated many times and those who are participating for the first time are welcome to exhibit their works at the National Art Center, Tokyo.

The 14th Dynamic Contemporary Artists Exhibition

The National Art Center, Tokyo Exhibition Room 2C

7-22-2 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8558

Thursday, November 28, 2024 - Sunday, December 8, 2024

*Closed on Tuesday, December 3rd

Opening hours


Awards and Prizes

​Supplementary prize: Total amount: 200,000 yen

Other details are listed in the application guidelines.


TORAM General Incorporated Association Space Arts

​ will be the venue
Introduction of the National Art Center, Tokyo

国立新美術館 外観
国立新美術館 館内
国立新美術館 展示室

​Photo: Spatial art TORAM Exhibition

The National Art Center, Tokyo is an art museum with a total of 14,000 square meters of exhibition space, one of the largest in Japan. The museum has 12 exhibition rooms, an art library, an auditorium, a training room, etc., and is also equipped with ancillary facilities such as a restaurant, cafe, and museum shop.

The south side of the building, which was designed based on the concept of an "art museum in the woods," has a glass curtain wall that undulates like a wave, drawing a beautiful curve, creating a unique appearance together with the conical front entrance. From the open-air lobby on the 1st floor, you can enjoy the seasonal view of Aoyama Park and other plants that blend in with the greenery of the area through the glass. In addition, various functionalities have been pursued, such as earthquake and safety measures with seismic isolation devices, resource saving measures by reusing rainwater, energy saving measures such as floor vent air conditioning systems, universal design support, and connecting passages directly connected to Nogizaka subway station. It has been designed.

​Scheduled to be held at the same time

躍動14 国立同時期 荒川ナッシュ

●Attitudes of paintings - Dr. Nash Arakawa (tentative)

For those applying for the first time

02. Notification of selection results

The TORAM office will contact you by email regarding whether or not your entry has been selected.

3 to 7 days

After checking the contents of your application, the TORAM Secretariat will send you an email to let you know whether or not you have been selected.

03. Notification of selection

Please check your selection notice once you receive it.

7 to 14 days

Selected applicants will be sent a notification of selection by mail from the TORAM Secretariat to the address they provided.

04. Special exhibition

We look forward to seeing you there. TORAM Office

One month before the event
Preparation for delivery and installation

If you are currently creating a work, please contact the office at least one month in advance to let us know the title, size, and main materials used.

​From entry to selection and exhibition

Please enter the information about the work you wish to exhibit and click "entry."


After submitting your entry, if your work is selected you will receive a notification of selection and your work will be exhibited at the museum.

The winning works will be announced at the venue and on the website during the exhibition period (until the last day).

There will be an exhibitor reception desk at the venue where you can pick up your artist pass.

* Free entry for exhibitors



01 Awards and Prizes

02 Application Guidelines


03 Partition size: flat and solid


04 Participation fees by application category and plot size

05 Works Advance Preparation

06 Carrying in, carrying out and returning [Vendors]

07 Delivery, removal and return [Direct]

08 Frequently Asked Questions

09 Entry Form


​Prize / Award Benefits

Grand Prize

We will provide the M section at the next international open exhibition of spatial art hosted by TORAM.

(M section: Participation fees will be covered)

Excellence Award

We will provide the S section at the next international open exhibition of spatial art hosted by TORAM.

(S section: Participation fees will be covered )

Art Gallery 410 Gallery Award

Solo exhibition at the art gallery 410 Gallery

( We will cover the gallery venue costs )

Awards and Certificates

​・Supplementary prize: 200,000 yen in total

・Grand Prize

·Outstanding performance award

Dynamic Contemporary Artists Award

・Most Popular Vote: Dynamic Actor Award

·New face award

・410Gallery Award

​About winning prizes

AssociationAt the venueExhibition (selected)From among those who wereBestawards etc.We will announce each prize winner.

*Announcement is at an exhibition​ during the periodBy the last day,Homepage and exhibition roomWe will make an announcement at *There will be no awards ceremony.


Application requirements

* Please contact the secretariat to request an application form .

* We recommend that you apply using the entry form below, which is more detailed and easier than the application form .

Person in charge: Michiyo Nagai

Genre (all genres)

Planes (paintings, wall works, etc.)

3D (three-dimensional, video, spatial modeling)


Both abstract and figurative

*past workacceptable

Qualification requirements

No question (regardless of age, gender, or nationality)

​ *Parental confirmation is required for children under the age of 16.

image review

Examination fee: Free

* For those who are going to create works from now on, past works​ (reference work)the picture ofThe image will be judged.

Notification of entry availability​

After submitting the form, the secretariat will contact you in about a week.

*Participation fee will be charged in case of failurestomachFrom the secretariatPlease refrain from contacting us.

*After the notification of acceptance (sealed letter) arrivesPlease transfer the participation fee within 2 weeks.

*Transfer fees will be borne by each person..


Section size

Height x Width × Depth cmAfterwithin

​Plane section [S]

​3D Section [S]

​Plane section [M]

​3D Section [M]

​Plane section [L]

​3D Section [L]

平面S国立 (2)
平面M国立 (2)

Plane [Paintings/Wall works​]

Section (S): 100 x 100 x 10

Section (M): 200 x 200 x 20

Section (L): 300 x 300 x 30

*The plane size includes the frame.

*No frame available​. Please treat the edges as part of the work.

three-dimensional​[3D/image/spatial modeling​]

Section (S ): 100 × 100 × 100

Section (M): 200 x 200 x 200

Section (L): 300 x 300 x 300

*The size of the three-dimensional figure excludes the exhibition stand.

* Regarding video works

*Video works are limited to monitors.

* Regarding audio, the volume should be audible over headphones or within the size of the compartment.

*If you wish to use any other devices such as Wi-Fi, please prepare them yourself.

*All power will be turned off at the venue after closing time. If you or an exhibitor would like to request the secretariat to turn on the power before the venue opens, please make sure to set it up so that it can be started easily, such as by simply turning the power on.

Per person: up to 2 Section

* The size of the work is free as long as it is within the section size.

District 1Inside the paintingHow to use

*​2 if within the section sizeWorks can be displayed



Application category
​ Participation fee by Section size

Part of the participation fee will be used as a sponsorship for the promotion of arts and culture.​ *All prices include tax

Application Category


Those who are submitting their work to an exhibition hosted by TORAM for the first time

[General Membership] (No registration fee or annual fee)

Those who have exhibited at an exhibition organized by TORAM within the past two years.

*If more than two years have passed since your last exhibition , you will need to apply as a new exhibitor.

[ TORAM Member]

Paid Membership

*Please refer to the TORAM Membership Information for details on the conditions for joining .

*TORAM member prices will apply from the day you join.


Section  (S ): 55,000 yen

Section  (M): 88,000 yen

Section  (L ): 110,000 yen

[General member]

Section (S ): 33,000 yen

Section (M): 55,000 yen

Section (L ): 88,000 yen

[TORAM Member]

Section (S ): 27,500 yen

Section (M): 44,000 yen

Section (L ): 66,000 yen

exhibition certificate

Certificate issuance fee: 5,500 yen

Details: A certificate stating the name of the exhibition, the name of the museum, and the date will be issued by Kukan Geijutsu TORAM.

* Issued only to those who wish to exhibit.

​About the exhibition

*If a layout is required, please attach the work exhibition instructions (free format).

​*Special exhibitionShow meFor works over 20 kg, please arrange for exhibition staff to do so.

*For works of natural objects. Please carry out the smoking process.

*Due to the nature of the museum, works related to water and living things cannot be exhibited.


​ work advance preparation
​[Vendor/Direct: Common]

​​to attached sheetAfter entering the title, artist name, and real name, attach the back of the work and the packing material.Paste it where you can see it.

The attached form is included in the notification of selection.

Attached sheet

*Wall artworks will have hanging cords attached to the back .

*Please remove the glass frame. Acrylic is OK.

*Title cards will be produced by the secretariat.




About shipping and returns

Delivery: prepayment

Return shipping: cash on delivery

​*No delivery company specified

Delivery company

​Not specified

Work arrival date/destination/addressee

Late November 2024

*Details are listed in the selection notification.

When requesting delivery work to the office

Work cost: 5,500 yen

*On the day of deliverycome to the venueIf you don't have one, there will be a delivery fee(Receive(taking, unpacking, display)is required.vinegar

When requesting unloading work to the secretariat

Work cost: 5,500 yen

*If you are unable to come to the venue on the day of removal, you will be required to pay the removal fee (removal, packaging, return).

*After the exhibition, at the time of deliveryThe items will be returned in the packaging materials by Sagawa Express.

If shipping from overseas

Application deadline: 2 months before the event date

*Please note that shipping may take some time, so please apply as soon as possible.

When requesting delivery work to the office

Work cost: 5,500 yen

*On the day of deliverycome to the venueIf you don't have one, there will be a delivery fee.(Receive(taking, unpacking, display)is required.vinegar

When returning overseas

When requesting unloading work to the secretariat

Work cost: 5,500 yen

*Go to the venue on the day of removalIf you are unable to come, we will cover the removal work fee (removal/packing·(return) is required.

*After the exhibition ends, the items will be returned to you via Sagawa Express in the same packaging as when they were delivered.

When requesting overseas return to the secretariat

Document preparationexpense:3,300 yen

*At the time of delivery, the office will ask for the delivery address and weight of the work.


Carrying in/out/returning

Delivery date and time/location

​Described in the notification of selection

Delivery procedure

Check in at the entrance of the museum → Meet at the exhibition room on the second floor (2C) at 11:00 → Check in at the TORAM office → Unpack your work → Place the empty box in the designated place

When requesting delivery work to the office

Work cost: 5,500 yen

*If you are unable to come to the venue on the delivery date, you will be required to pay the delivery fee (receiving, unpacking, display).

Only those who can help set up the venue

*If you can help on the day, please let the secretariat know.


12:00 - 13:00: Lunch break

​13:00 - 18:00: Exhibition work

Things to bring: Gloves, scissors, cutter​・Magic pen

Work details: Unpacking works brought in by contractors, setting up exhibits, title cards, display stands, organizing empty boxes, cleaning up tools, etc.

​Export date/time/location

Included in the notification of acceptance

Export Procedure

After the exhibition, place the empty boxes in front of the artworks from the designated location → Each person will pack their artworks

* Please ask others to help as well .

*If you would like to request the secretariat to return your work, please see below.

*If you would like to ask a friend or the secretariat to help you remove the items, please fill in the comments section.

​ Taking out works

*TORAMPlease check your work and identity with the office. ​

​ *If a representative comes to pick up the item, please write the name of the representative in the notes section or inform the office in advance.

When requesting unloading work to the secretariat

Work cost: 5,500 yen

*If you are unable to come to the venue on the day of removal, you will be required to pay the removal fee (removal, packaging, return).

*After the exhibition ends, the items will be returned to you via Sagawa Express in the original packaging.

When requesting packaging/return for international shipping to the secretariat

Work cost/documents, etc.: 5,500 yen

*If you are unable to come to the venue on the day of removal, you will be required to pay the removal fee (removal, packaging, return).

*Delivered after the exhibition endspacking of timeIn packaging materialSequentially by Sagawa ExpressI will send it back

When requesting overseas return to the secretariat

Document preparationexpense:3,300 yen

*At the time of delivery, the office will ask for the delivery address and weight of the work.

Removal work is only for those who can help.

*If you can help on the day, please let the secretariat know.

18:00 - 20:00​: Removal work

Things to bring: Gloves, scissors, cutter​・Magic pen

Work details: Packing works for delivery by contractors, removing exhibits, title cards, display stands, cleaning up tools, etc.


Frequently Asked Questions

ポイントマーク 赤

​Q1 Do you need assistance from the receptionist at the venue?

A It will be held at the TORAM secretariat.

*Participating artistsDear ​If you would like to work as a receptionist, please let the office know the date and time.

​*We also have waiting seats available.

ポイントマーク 赤

​Q2 What kind of organization is Spatial Arts TORAM?

A: We are an art organization that holds exhibitions every year at international art museums such as the National Art Center, Tokyo and the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, and the number of participants is increasing every year.

ポイントマーク 赤

Q3 I would like to exhibit my work at an art museum for the first time. What do you think of the screening criteria?

A: Due to the nature of the museum, we may not accept water, fire, natural objects, or dangerous items, but we would like to display as many works as possible. Please apply first.

ポイントマーク 赤

Q4 It says all genres, but is it okay to use any kind of work?

A: These days, it is no longer possible to separate genres such as oil painting, watercolor, and crafts. You can also apply for works that are difficult to categorize.

ポイントマーク 赤

Q5 Can I also exhibit digital, video, installation, etc. works?

A: The number of graphics, videos, and installation works is increasing.

Both two-dimensional and three-dimensional works can be exhibited as long as they are within the plot size.

ポイントマーク 赤

Q6 I belong to another art organization, can I submit my work?

A: At Spatial Art TORAM, we enjoy exhibitions and art exchanges with visitors and participants, rather than affiliated or unaffiliated. Please join us.


Vibrant Contemporary Artists Exhibition
at The National Art Center, Tokyo
entry form

After filling in the entry form, please press the send button.

​ Please write in the remarks column if you have any questions, such as not being able to attach images.

Artist information

​Section 1

work 1

k1. Work image

​Up to 20 characters

Video works


work 2

*In the compartment2 pointsFill in if

1.(2)Work image

​Up to 20 characters

Section 1

Work information

k1.Exhibition instructions

​Section 2

work 1

k2.Work image

​Up to 20 characters

work 2

*Fill in if there are 2 points in the section

k2.2. Work image

​Up to 20 characters

Section 2

Work information

Display instructions

About delivery

​ Inport / Export information

​Exhibition certificate

展示証明書 サンプル画像.jpg

*Issued only to those who are on display and to those who request it.

This is a certificate that the work has been exhibited at an international museum.

Please use it when recording your own records, selling your works, and working abroad.A certificate with the exhibition name, museum name, and date will be issued by Kukan Art TORAM, a general incorporated association.

*The receipt will be mailed approximately one month after the event ends.


Where did you hear about this exhibition?


*If you wish to cancel, please do so within 8 days of receiving your selection notice . If you cancel more than 8 days after receiving your selection notice, we will charge you a 5,500 yen administrative fee. If you cancel within one month of the event date, we will not refund your participation fee as we need to prepare the exhibition space. If you decline after receiving your selection notice, your entry will be cancelled.

*The museum management prohibits posting notices regarding the sale of individual works within the venue .

*If you wish to purchase a work at the museum, please contact the museum staff after the exhibition has ended. As direct sales are not possible, the work will be sold at 410 Gallery, an art gallery affiliated with our association, with a gallery sales certificate after consultation with the customer.

*You will be charged 40% of the sales price (tax included) as sales commission.

*Please feel free to ask us about the sales price of the works, as we can negotiate between the art gallery 410 Gallery and the artist .

*If there are any doubts about the originality of the winning entry after selection, the entry may be revoked.

*Distributing flyers within the exhibition venue requires permission from the secretariat.

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